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Qualifications for Volunteers

Become A 

Volunteer Facilitator

Maarifa relies on volunteer facilitators who have a heart for adolescents and feel called to serve them. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and we need volunteers to help accomplish that goal.


Volunteer Characteristics

  • Have a good understanding of HIV/AIDs and how it is spread

  • Have compassion for those living with HIV

  • Have time to volunteer

  • Work in one of the following professions: community health worker, social worker, community leader, teacher, nurse, guidance counselor, pastor or bible student, or an artist.

  • If you are an adult living with HIV and you live a healthy lifestyle you are also encouraged to become a facilitator.

  • Older youth who complete program may be asked to become peer mentors and/or volunteer facilitators


Volunteer Responsibilities

  • Attend Maarifa Facilitator’s Training (or take the online training course and get the certificate)

  • Make time to prepare for each class of Maarifa you facilitate.


We make it easy to volunteer!

There is on online training course at

  • Scroll down to the Maarifa course

  • Click on more information

  • Read the description

  • Register for the course (there is no cost to register)

  • You will get a certificate of completion at the end of the course

  • A copy of the Maarifa Facilitators Manual can be downloaded from this site and should be used along with the training course found on


If we lose site of the people involved, we fail to be effective HIV educators, care givers, or in any other sense involved.

Duane Crumb

Health Facility Participation


We have found the classes worked best when held at a health care facility (either government or private) where adolescents receive their ARVs and treatment, on pediatric AIDS days, and when facilitated by community volunteers who have been trained in the Maarifa curriculum.


We propose that the clinic or community center take responsibility for:

  • Provide space for Maarifa meeting

  • Contact and inform adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) about Maarifa

  • Have at least two health professionals per clinic take the Maarifa facilitator training, even if they don't participate in the class. This allows them to speak with clarity to parents or guardians who may come to them with questions about Maarifa.

Health Facility Participation

Church Participation

Church participation differs from church to church, but generally churches want to be helpful in their communities.

Ways churches can participate:

  • Have members or church staff become volunteer facilitators.

  • Provide food for Maarifa classes or funds for food

  • Provide financial or in-kind support of income generating projects to support the Maarifa classes.

Churches in the US can participate:

  • Taking offerings or holding fundraisers to support the distribution of materials around the world.

Church Participation
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